High-five, lady! You’ve accomplished so much within the last year. If it doesn’t feel that way, take the time to reflect on your progress since last year this time, call for change in areas of your life where things aren’t entirely satisfying, and celebrate your actions and your determination – you are extraordinary!
We’re honouring our women across the globe on International Women’s Day, including you. Ordinary women who played and still play a remarkable role in our country and our communities. #ChooseToChallenge the IWD’s 2021 theme – ‘Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 World’.
What are we celebrating?
There are many opportunities and project collaborations available to get involved and make a difference – the key is to identify these moments and choose to grab the bull by the horns full-force on. A challenged world is indeed an alert world and from challenge comes change.
We’re not referring to the corporate world alone but in your everyday life too. Help generations to come, now, in creating a gender-equal world. Grab that bottle of champagne, because we’re already celebrating your achievements, your efforts in raising awareness and taking action!
We honour all women in tech and innovation; we demand equality of women in sport; we want to build workplaces where women could strive; we want to educate women on health choice decisions; we want to increase the visibility of women creatives; and we want to forge women’s empowerment worldwide!
Get involved in International Women’s Day
We’re all responsible for our own daily thoughts and actions. All of the above is a choice. If you choose to get involved, understand that women can collectively help create an inclusive world.
How do you get involved? We’re glad you asked! There are actually a couple of ways. First of all, take the pledge (men, you can participate too) – show your solidarity in choosing to challenge. Pose for a photo while raising your hand assertively and post it to social where you call out unhelpful aspects to women.
Join IWD 2021 events by searching on Google. Don’t worry; the pandemic won’t dampen women’s spirits in the pursuit to connect communities. You’ll be surprised by the many exciting and impactful events worldwide – view them online.
Champion your own campaign in your community, network, organisation, or group using the meaningful framework and resources to connect and amplify action. Follow the 22 steps or part of it to execute best practice such as useful facts and ideas to help craft an engaging speech.
Videos! Who doesn’t love watching videos? Develop a video with your girlfriends, colleagues or by yourself, and submit it online for other women to see in schools, foyers, companies, shopping centres, libraries, gymnasiums, hotels and at all sorts of events. Find inspiration from other women’s videos – we hope you have ample time because there’s a lot to cover!
Maybe you have a testimonial to share? Become an influencer or a speaker. If you’re a leader, you are responsible for driving positive change, did you know that? Yes, industry champion, we’re shining a light on you to challenge and forge gender equality.
Come on ladies, let your voices be heard for decision-making in all areas of life, equal pay, equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work, an end to all forms of violence against women and girls, and health-care services that respond to their needs.
Happy International Women’s Day…and year!
Proudly brought to you by Sandton Central.