Small gestures reap big rewards in 2018

Small gestures reap big rewards in 2018

You’re only as good as your self-discipline. This is often the thinking heading into the New Year. We’re constantly trying to better ourselves, to better our lives and ultimately be happier human beings. What many of us may not realise is that this is one the harder times of the year for plenty of South Africans.

Small Gestures
If you’re in the habit of writing New Year’s resolution be sure to add “pay it forward” to the top of your list. The smallest gesture can keep the biggest rewards for those who need it most. You know the hardships of your own life and as tough as it may seem there is someone out there who has it much harder than you. Unfortunately, this is the reality we must face every day.

Small Gestures
So, pay it forward. This means doing something kind, generous or helpful for someone without expecting anything in return. No benefits for you, no recognition and nothing tangible gets sent your way. Simply, an act of kindness and purity. Paying it forward is a great way to start the New Year. If you truly want to make an impact, giving back, allows you to choose how and where you can make a difference. It’s easy to get inspired by a cause you’re truly inspired about – and it’s rewarding to see your direct impact.

Building a greater, safer and well-rounded community requires us to give back where we can.

Simply, cleaning up a park or reading to kids, you can enhance your own life by building up the environment you surround yourself in. A stronger community means a healthier and safer environment for everyone.

The great thing about paying forward is that it does not stop with you.

If you do a kind act for someone else it is important to encourage that person to NOT return the favour but rather pay it forward to another person, and encourage this as much as possible!