Movember: What ‘stache are you growing this month?

Movember: What ‘stache are you growing this month?

In October, we focused on women’s health, and now it’s our men’s turn to be spotlighted. Yes, we’re in Movember! Most of us are aware that men start growing their moustaches in different styles (and mostly what their partners can’t stand)…some called the Pencil or the Walrus, but what’s the reason behind all of this?

It’s something that isn’t really talked about, but we can’t afford to stay silent. Our fathers, partners, brothers and male friends also face a health crisis.  Their health is just as important as women’s, and this month we’re taking action in creating awareness about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.


Movember is an independent foundation which has, since 2003, funded more than 1250 men’s health projects globally. It challenges the status quo by investing quicker in what works, and the foundation aims to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% within the next ten years.

On average, men are dying 6 years earlier than women, and it’s projected that prostate cancer rates will double within the next 15 years. Shockingly, testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50 years. And sadly, one man across the globe commits suicide, every minute of every day. Males commit 60% of suicides.

So, join in on creating a positive change for men, where it’s acceptable to openly talk about their health too and where they can live happier, healthier and longer lives. If possible, let your moustache be the walking, talking billboard for men’s health.

Although women can’t grow a sexy moustache, it’s still possible to help the cause by partaking in fundraising initiatives in a fun and healthy way!

What can I do?

Well, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Mo’Bros, grow a creative ‘stache! Ladies, now you have to remind yourself that it’s like a handbag for your partner’s face. It’s an essential accessory – they can style it any in any way they want. But if he decides to take a raincheck this year, there are still other options to contribute.

Now, Mo’ Sistas, let’s encourage our counterparts that the belief that guys can handle anything and don’t need help is utter rubbish. Start at home and create an open platform to make talking and sharing more comfortable and helpful.

There’s also the option to make a move. Run or walk 60 kilometres over the month of November. Do it with your partner. C’mon, you do everything together, might as well this too! Why 60 kilometres? It’s based on the 60 men we lose to suicide every hour across the world.

Challenge those around you (family, friends, or colleagues) to have a mo-ment such as hosting a cupcake baking challenge, playing bingo or participating in a trivia. Here are free templates to download – Trivia Master and Trivia Participant Questions.

If the above is not possible, set an objective you’d want to achieve by the end of the month, or the end of the year, like testing your physical endurance or kicking a bad habit such as smoking or consuming alcohol. Take a hike or a couple of hikes, just ensure that you’re having fun while nailing it!

This affects everyone – take care and stay healthy, Sandton.