It’s almost here!!! One of the most chaotic (and rewarding) days of the year – Black Friday. We’re bringing you some tips, do’s and don’ts to help you through this day and ensure that you make the most of your money.
More about Black Friday
Black Friday in South Africa will be on Friday, 26 November 2021. This exciting international sale was started in the 1990s and started growing in popularity in South Africa in 2012. Since then, many other retailers have followed and started participating in this now nationwide event.
Black Friday is now a well awaited and anticipated day in South Africa, as many look forward to getting ready for the holiday season with special deals or buying high-priced luxury items at a much lower cost.
The term “Black Friday” comes from the nickname for when retailers start making a profit or when their books “turn black” because they have made enough sales that day to cover expenses and maybe even show a bit of profit. The term has evolved into being associated with big discounts, but not all stores offer them.
Tips for Black Friday
Do your research. Keep an eye on social media and websites, and sign up for newsletters for the best deals and discounts; don’t rely on store ads alone. Websites like Latest Specials, for example, brings you all the Black Friday 2021 Specials and Catalogues. Check beforehand what you really need and find out if you can get it for a better price during this time. Set up a type of wishlist with all the items you would like to get.
There is a lot of pressure to buy things that may not be needed or wanted just because they’re such incredible deals. Avoid buyers remorse and do your homework before buying.
Set a budget and stick to it. It’s important during Black Friday shopping to make sure your purchases stay within your budget and don’t go over the allotted amount you set for yourself beforehand. Try and keep to what you set out to spend and avoid regretting some decisions.
Timing is everything. The first thing to know about Black Friday is the earlier in the day you go out, the better your chances are of snagging a great deal. If you have children, make sure they are well-rested because there may be some waiting involved. The last thing any parent wants is their kids being cranky or tired while shopping! Best yet, leave them with the grandparents or sitter. Make sure that if anything happens – like running into friends or family members to keep your conversations brief.
Get a good night’s sleep and eat breakfast. You want to be refreshed and full of energy for this day. It can get daunting! Sitting down for breakfast might make you lose that one item you were looking for. Rather have a celebratory lunch and cocktails after you’ve done your shopping.
Wear comfortable clothing. This is not the day to wear your beautifully stylish high heels. You are there on a mission. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes with which you’ll be able to move in because in most cases you’ll have to get yourself to the next store as quickly and safely as possible.
Be goal-oriented. Stick to what you came for. Get that first. After purchasing the most important items on your list, only then may you start shopping for other items you might have seen along the way.
Don’t forget about Covid. At all times, remember that we still have Covid among us. Be safe by wearing your mask at all times, sanitising your hands at every store, wash them thoroughly when you have the chance, and consider sanitising your purchased items when you get home.
Oh yes! And remember those Woolies bags…
Black Friday is fast approaching, and if you’re not already preparing, now might be a good time to start. Follow these tips for a successful Black Friday at Sandton Central. Be sure to do your research beforehand so that you know what stores are open when and which have the best deals before going out. Get there early and stay safe.
We hope these tips will help make your day more enjoyable as well as successful! Share your great deals with us on social and tag us in your shopping journey!