Welcoming Spring

Welcoming Spring

Welcoming Spring

The most colourful and joyous season is upon us. It’s the favourite season for many, and for good reason. After one of what felt like the coldest Joburg winters in recent years, spring will be welcomed with open arms.

Spring, in our opinion, is the best time for change. The aromas of the blooming flowers, the warmer weather, and longer days are all good enough reason for a fresh start – in all senses of the word. We take a look at how to do spring this year.

Spring Clean
It might be a bit of a cliché, but when last have you taken the time to actually clean up parts of your home in the spring? Or any other time for that matter. If your guest room has become more of a storeroom, or it’s an uphill battle to get in and out of the garage without tripping over things, it may be time to some clearing out… The general rule? If you haven’t used it or even thought about it in the last year, you don’t need it – throw it away, unless it’s will be of value for someone else, in which case, the right thing to is to donate it.

Get Active
The warmer weather and longer days make for one, or two if you see them as separate entities, less excuses to get out there and get active. We are by no means hating on working out at a gym, but sometimes there are, alternative, more fun ways of getting into shape.

One of which is the Candela Jozi Dance Company.

The Candela Jozi Dance Company still have their weekly dancing classes ongoing at the Radisson where they teach and practice salsa dancing – from beginners to seasoned pros. Social dancing is a fun, alternative way to get, well, social and in shape at the same time.

Classes take place on Thursdays at 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm respectively with social dancing afterwards until 10:30 pm. Do join them in the heart of Sandton for dancing that include excellent food, drinks, and views!

Welcoming Spring

After all the heavy “winter warmer” meals that were available aplenty, spring provides perfect reason for a healthier dietary change—we all know the health benefits of eating fresh and “real” food. Fresh spring, in-season veggies, fruits and herbs is good enough reason to get on the healthier side of the kitchen table.

Organic and healthy eating needn’t be difficult – and is isn’t with Sandton Central in your corner. You know we have you covered in that front as well: Cilantros, Tasha’s, and Trump’s Grillhouse and Butchery are just some of the offerings we’ve got that will keep your health intact without compromising on taste or quality.

Welcoming Spring