4 Ways to prepare for 2022
It’s that time of year again where we all start to feel like we need to get our lives in order. The new year is a time for resolutions and new beginnings. It’s a chance to start fresh. This time of the year is a great opportunity to set some new goals and get organised once and for all! If you’re looking for some tips on how to prepare for 2022, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to get your life in order for the new year.
4 ways to prepare for 2022:
- Reflect on the past year.
In order to plan for the new year, you have to take a look at the previous one. Review the things that happened. Write down your greatest accomplishments and some failures that might have happened. Think of the lessons learned that you would like to take into the new year. This can be on a personal and professional level. This will help you learn from your mistakes and help you adjust where necessary.
- Do those outstanding ‘things’ you’ve been delaying.
This is the perfect time to get those things done you have been procrastinating on. Getting these types of chores out of the way or just slotting them onto your calendar makes a huge difference. So, book those appointments like a visit to the dentist, health check-up at The Medical Suites @ The Marc, your overdue car service, or an eye test at Melenza Optometrists (Sandton City), etc. Set out the time and just fall into that queue at the licencing department or post office.
Important for this is a new diary for 2022, of course! Isn’t it just the nicest feeling to get a new planner? To schedule these new dates, get yourself the needed stationery from either the CNA at The Marc (Shop UR 15), Exclusive Books (Benmore), or Sandton Stationery & Print. Also, have a look at these free downloadable planners to help you on your way.
Another great way to get a fresh start is to tackle your wardrobe. Decluttering really helps get you in the mood for a fresh start! Get rid of that bag full of clothes you thought you’d be able to wear after you lost a few kilos. In the words of Marie Kondo, throw out anything that doesn’t spark joy! Sandton City’s @Home and Mr Price Home has the perfect organisational items that can help make the process easier and your closet tidier.
- Upgrade your surroundings.
Whether it’s a desk plant, a new mousepad, or some new tech you need to upgrade, make some time to do that as well. Do that postponed cellphone upgrade at the Vodashop. Pop by the iStore, Incredible Connection, or HP Store at Sandton City for all those techy things you have to have to make your work life better.
- Set some resolutions.
This time of year, people are generally setting new resolutions, but achieving them throughout the year is a whole different story altogether. It is important to set realistic resolutions. Set small ones because the small, consistent changes make a huge difference in the long run. If one of those resolutions is to become a healthier you, definitely have a look at all the exciting fitness offerings Sandton Central has to offer.
Remember, this year has 365 days. See it as 365 opportunities to improve yourself and aim to be a better you than the day before.
Are you ready? Go!!! 2022 here we come!