3 July 2022: The Start to a Plastic Bag Free Future!

3 July 2022: The Start to a Plastic Bag Free Future!

Creative ways to avoid using plastic shopping bags, retailers’ plastic bag free initiatives & Sandton’s recycling stations.

We all know that plastic bags are bad for the environment, yet when we find ourselves inside a store, we quickly reply, ‘yes, please!’ when the cashier asks if we need a carry bag. This is a norm when buying a couple of items, and we are just human. We forget about pollution at that particular point because our minds are constantly busy thinking about other things…

Many retailers have decided not to provide customers with just plastic bags anymore. For example, Checkers’ Brown Shopper Bag encourages shoppers to reduce their footprint in our ecosystem by purchasing this eco-friendly carrier bag. Cotton On sells tote bags in all sizes, fabrics, and colours, perfect for daily commute, grocery shopping or weekends away.

More brands are setting examples for the rest of the country, and hopefully, everyone will get there soon. The quicker we get to the point of no plastic bags, the better we can celebrate a significant milestone and truly honour International Plastic Bag Free Day on Sunday, 3 July 2022.

International Plastic Bag Free Day – 3 July 2022

We encourage everyone to celebrate this day, even if we’re not yet where we want to be. Many individuals are already doing their part, and if you’re not one of them, it requires a simple resolution – even for just one day!

Choose the brown paper bag or bring your own bag and say no to another plastic unit being used. Throw your reusable bags back in your car boot or fold it up and keep it in your handbag or backpack, ready to use next time you visit the shops.

If you have the day free from other responsibilities, visit your nearest park, roadway or river and pick up the garbage. Start to make the change at home by making it a family outing for the good of the community and our beautiful Sandton Central city.

Make your own if you’re not too fond of the brown bag idea or want to purchase another bag. Crafting a DIY reusable shopping bag is fun, fast and makes it unique. The best part is choosing the sizes, patterns, and colours. Imagine a shopping bag to match your outfits!

If you want to go the extra mile in playing a non-plastic South African citizen, recycle all the plastic in your home and office. Not just plastic bags, but everything recycling possible. Did you know Sandton City offers recycling stations?

Recycle in Sandton City

Recycle your already-separated paper, plastic, glass, and cans at the drop off when you’re on your way shopping or when you’re done. You don’t have to go shopping when dropping off your recyclables, but if you are, remember your reusable shopping bags, as we all know where the cheaper alternative ends up.

Join the movement and see the recyclable and non-recyclable waste guidance, here.

Or use the resources available to help you achieve a plastic- and waste-free lifestyle, such as videos, products, posters, and other valuable assets.

To a plastic bag free future, Sandton Central!