The Red Bull Cart Race

The Red Bull Cart Race

The Red Bull Cart Race: It’s all going downhill from here.

Soon, the streets of Sandton are going to have the full fury of gravity-powered carts zipping down them. Yes, after eight years absence, we’re going to see the return of audacious adventurers in nothing more than flimsy wooden carts flying down the road.

The Red Bull Cart Race

Red Bull may not give you actual wings, but it certainly gives flight to courage.

Essentially, participants will be presenting their own custom-made carts. Designed and built to take on the streamlines, and beat the best.

You know you want to be there. This is sheer YouTube gold waiting to unfold.

It is too late to form a team now. BUT maybe next year, we even encourage you to join in the fun with your own contraption.

The Red Bull Cart Race

Gravity is a harsh mistress. We suggest, if you decide to sign up for next year’s race, you don’t neglect an effective breaking system. Helmets are also recommended. Love your face – use moisturiser on a regular basis and avoid it skidding on the gravelly surface of the road at 100 kms per hour.

That’s the spirit of the race. Being brave enough to take your dream machine and let it roll downhill at speed. The Red Bull Cart Race is about having courage. Those who have the bravery get the glory. Just, maybe, invest in pads in your vulnerable places.

What’s going to make your machine faster, more streamlined, and efficient at steering as you barrel downhill than your competitors? Some creative thinking. Recommendation: refresh your knowledge on basic physics. Or don’t, and just go with gut instinct. The latter may be more interesting come race day, anyway. Interesting in the bad sense of the word.

It’s not enough to pitch up in your wonder machine. C’mon, we want a spectacle! This may be the closest we get to the chariot races of Ancient Rome. Come up with a theme for your team. Are you the Spectacular Skeletons? Then bring a purple skull mask to adorn. The Ballistic Ballerinas? We want to see tights, then, as you launch into the air with legs extended like you were performing Swan Lake.

Sound exciting? Be there for this year’s race to see how it’s done. You’ll have the opportunity to get inspiration and ideas to help you for the next event.

Sandton Drive may never be the same. We’re expecting the bizarre, the banal, the brilliant. This is where wit meets madness.

View the teams on the Red Bull Cart Race site and see what to expect on 16 September.

It’s going to be really exciting, and hopefully enough inspiration that you start planning your own team for next year. We’re delighted it’s taking place in Sandton Central on Sandton Drive… the ultimate downhill slope in our city. But while the event is going downhill, it’s simultaneously going to be upping the fun.

This truly is YouTube gold in the making. Bring your cellphone and capture the madness on 16 September.

The Red Bull Cart Race